Sep 12, 2006

Photo Enhancing

They say , that a picture can speak a thousand words. In earlier days, limited number of photos were taken. But they were framed and treasured. But now, with the advent of digital cameras, we take innumerable snaps. Less care is taken for shooting, organising and displaying them.

Most of us have an urge to take too many shots with digicam unlike in the cameras with films. Why ? B'coz we can instantly send them to trash bin, ie, delete them, without the waste of any resource. So just will the shot turn out when it is taken with the intention of deleting .....? Alas, u have missed taking a masterpiece.

Nowadays digicams come with upto 5 megapixels, so even after zooming the picture quality is still retained. In the net, there are ample photo editing software. Thanks to these software, we can change any Kodak moment into a perfect portrait similar to the one taken in studio with perfect lighting.

With a little patience, time and interest any ordinary photo can be enhanced to a masterpiece. How cool would it be, to leave it for our professionals to do it for u ?

Send your photos to us and we would make it the BEST with designing, necessary cropping, adjustment of brightness, contrast, background and adding relevant captions.
The first order is done totally free-of-cost. Place more orders once u r satisfied with the first one. Ok rush up, send your photo to be enhanced to :

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