This genuine love of us makes us fall prey to several media advertised products. Media keeps chasing us with an unending list of must-have products to achieve perfect-parenting. Most of these products are solely marketed with the mere intention of ripping money out of us. These companies try to churn money out of our intensive love for our kids. Isn’t it?
Beware of such products. Can you remember what a lot of unnecessary toys, dress, snacks or books you have bought for your kids just to keep your title as “dearest mummy “? Maternal love drives you to make impulse buying.
• That toy-house which you bought by burning your pocket may least fascinate her after a couple of days.
• The reading kit may least attract her attention.
• Building blocks may not bring out the architect within her (as you imagined) but may very well make the house ‘messy in a jiffy ‘.

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• Puzzles are for mamas to play.
• However colorful and branded play dough you may buy, finally it is a big lump in an ugly color with tiny bits just stuck up too tight on the floor here and there.
• After repeating several times, she may not remember which is Enter key or Space bar in her toy laptop.
• The toy for which, she cried over and over in the shopping mall may seem like an abandoned one when brought (bought) back home.
Mummies are spendthrift in all matters, but when it comes to her baby she spends lavishly unknowingly. It is high time to put a big full-stop to all these impulse buying. Have no guilty feelings. Choose the best and say ‘No’ to the rest. Turn a dumb ear to all the sales tactics bombarding mummies.
Basically, “Kids don’t need Presents. They want you to be Present.” Your presence is more valuable than any present.
It needs a daily committed and dedicated work. It’s not that today you buy something for your kid and everything is fixed. There is no such possibility. It is like nurturing a tender plant. If you want it to bear fruit, you have to water it everyday and take care of it. No fertilizer or magic can produce instant result. Similarly for kids, no brain-stimulating or educational or child friendly or lavish product can do any wonder.
It is only the dedication shown by the parents which makes the kids do miraculous things !!!