Apr 10, 2007

Admiration for kids

We all admire kids. Kids can captivate our attention and keep us mesmerized. The tender touch, sparkling eyes, drooling lips, silky hair, soft toes, tweeny weeny fingers and innocent smile make them very cuddlesome.

A young mother feels proud whenever anyone stops to admire her baby. She is secretly delighted. Motherhood breaks all social barriers. Strangers of all ages and backgrounds are ready to talk with a mother. Babies are praised by every passer-by. But still, what superlatives are employed, no baby is admired sufficiently to please the mother.

Every baby born into the world is a much marvelous one than the last.

“Cutie pie”, “Smart Cookie”, “Bundle of Joy”, “Sweet Darling”- we give ample praises and are still lost for words when they attempt something new every time.

That first play with her hands, bumpy first steps, association with toys, rolling over, sound of blabbers, wet kisses, steady sittings, hands held, tight hugs, loud laughs are sure attention grabbers. We rewind and play them back countless times in our memory, just not wanting to get them erased out of our forgetful mother’s mind.

Give a little love to a child and you get a great deal back.

Very small kids love their mothers unconditionally. They accept mummy 100 % as she is. Mummy is their heroine.

  • Although mummy is very absentminded.
  • Although mummy’s mothering instincts goes wrong at times.
  • Although mummy’s sleep deprived eyes make her look like panda bear.
  • Although mummy hasn’t put on any basic make-up.
  • Although it’s ages that mummy tried a new hairstyle.
  • Although mummy roams around the house in her night gown all day through
  • Although mummy hates being a mummy at times.
  • Although mummy considers parenting as an excuse for all her short comings.

Kids just accept and love immaculately. But beware moms, this is not forever. This is just a very short sweet span of time.

Slowly it would evolve to a phase when kids become rebellious, uncontrollable and unanswerable. They may turn out to outsmart or look down upon or grow hatred towards parents.

we the HEROINES once, may seem to them like HITLERS or HAZARDS or HARRASSMENTS
So my dear fellow young moms, stop brooding over petty problems like colic, teething, food allergy, flu, separation anxiety, tantrums, sleeping procedures etc…OH OH …there is no time to waste. Just enjoy every moment of parenting your little joy.

Fully get drenched in their unconditional love.

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