May 8, 2007

A Real Greeting Card to Feel …….

For all those lazy bags or for those who have least clue what the Buzz is all about…This is to remind you all that “Mothers’ Day” is on coming Sunday (May 13).

You need not bang your head searching for a lovely present…Moms as usual don’t expect costly pendants, massage chair, walking stick, holy trip tickets or what lot on earth. They just need simple reassurance that you love and care for her.

Just hop onto and send her a Greeting Card. Unlike all other virtual e-cards, this is a real one. Just send email with your message or photos and your mom’s postal address to The Greeting Card will be literally posted to her with a crystal clear print of your photos too. This is a real card which she can touch and feel. Try to express all your affection for her in words. Then she would really feel its warmth.

I know, its long time since we all exchanged real letters.

World is shrinking with emails, fax and SMS. But none of these are treasured as much as a real letter delivered by a Postman.

So do send a real letter to your mom or if you are so busy to deal with paper, pen, stamp, envelope etc. at least be kind enough to send this real card through It’s totally free.
Am not marketing it out of any business intention just with the only intention of making your noble mom shed 2 drops of tears in joy….

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