Jun 20, 2007

I’m a Darn Good Mommy Blogger

Believe it or not….I’m a Darn Good Mommy Blogger….I may not be a Super mom but am a Super BlogMom and indeed very happy about it. I have very strong, true and interesting reasons to justify this fact…Here they go…….

I am a Super BlogMom becoz..

I am addicted to Blogging.

I am what I really am when I blog.

I have a sense of relief and guilt-free after each posting

I blog when I multitask.

For every hit I feel very happy and for every comment received I fly in air.

I up-bring my blog like my own child. I nurture it, make it trendy and attractive with good content and feel honored when somebody praises it.

I have a rough copy, fair copy, draft copy….before I could publish every post finally.

I have referred countless Parenting Books to update myself for the blog.

In my earlier days, I checked my “Sitemeter” and “Extreme tracker” several times a day just to know that I had ‘0’ visitors…

But today, the “Mummy of Gals” community has several loving mummy fans GLOBALLY, who associate themselves with the blog.

I think my blog will be a wonderful gift for my gals when they grow up.

They would feel what all mom experienced when bringing them up.

Being Super Mom is really demanding….But being Super BlogMom is possible and makes my life very colorful. It adds beauty to my parenting journey which is full of unexpected twists.

p/s : I write this entry to link to Crazy Hip Blog Mamas....Do check it out to meet more Mummy Bloggers.


  1. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Congrats on sharing your real knowlegde and experience on how to start an interest in blogging to the online community. It was really a great way to visualize (nice graphics through out each activity) how you start your inception, elobrate, construct and publish your blog. Keep sharing by blogging.

  2. Anonymous3:19 PM

    And you so tried to do?

  3. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Practice makes perfect.
