Most common dangerous behaviors of girls with low self esteem:
• Eating disorder – starving, refusing to eat or over-eating and throwing up when feeling badly about themselves
• Bullying
• Smoking or drinking
• Talking badly about themselves
• Injuring themselves
Young girls need proper guidance and support.
The good news is that if parents and other role models are willing to create a steady conversation of encouragement, honesty and openness it can definitely help girls gain confidence and reach their full potential.
If we spend time giving girls new ways to think about beauty, body image and self-esteem it can make a real difference.

Dove is helping us parent to take our first step towards it. Dove has developed a program to provide the resources necessary to create positive change and ensure the next generation of young women grows up feeling good about themselves and appreciating their own unique beauty.
To ensure everyone has access to self-esteem resources, Dove has developed a range of powerful online tools, workbooks and facilitator training guides.
You can visit www.campaignforrealbeauty.com to download free self-esteem building tools for girls, moms and mentors including:
I appreciate Dove’s every effort to pump up the self-esteem of our little girls.
For supporting this cause, Dove presented me 2 wonderful books
1.Life Doesn't Begin 5 Pounds From Now by Jessica Weiner
2.Perfect Girls, Starving Daughters by Courtney E.Martin
I am very honored as ever when I wear Dove’s gift T-shirt which says
“ you’re beautiful
pass it on”
It makes me keep my head held high to know I am doing my duty perfectly to bring up future little ladies brimming with self-confidence and courage…..
I have done mine, do visit www.campaignforrealbeauty.com and do your part too, as a fellow Mummy of Gals…