Oct 31, 2006

Living in a Foreign Land

Living in a Foreign Land

You should be lucky enough to live in any foreign place, other than your birth-place. If you are a keen observer of events happening around you, then living in a new place can teach you loads and loads of History & Geography.

Unknowingly you get to know the details about the geographic location, climate, language, culture, customs etc…of your living foreign place. You get to learn pages and pages of facts explained in Geography book just hands-on, as a breeze, in a very few days.

The most common tendency is that, we take our birth-place for granted. We show the least interest to visit the tourist spots in our own city. But a new place kindles our interest to visit many adventurous locations. It just wakes up the “Explorer “hidden in each one of us.

In foreign land, we are out of our safe niche. This makes us feel alienated sometimes, so we keep our eyes and ears wide open. Put-in more data inside. Try our best to mingle and be one with the locals yet keep our identity distinct.

As far as, I am concerned, Singapore has taught me many new things. Now I know the location of Singapore and other neighboring countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Korea more accurately in the world map.

Learnt a lot about this Island City - its National flag, National flower, some history regarding its independence, clean politics, important inspiring national leaders etc…

I learnt many new English words like alighting, curb side, escalator, barbeque, sand castle, glider, rolling pin, malls, hand dryer, finger bowl, stroller, trolley, skimmed milk, peanut butter, margarine, marinate, hot dog, cock tail and many more…Of course, all these are very common, but earlier I never knew the exact term to refer to these or haven’t come cross such words.

We tend to read and hear news, just to keep an update on what is happening back-home. Thus, we know more of current affairs in general.

Happy that now I can understand the most common acronyms used here as HDB, MRT, LRT, PUB, PAP, PCF, RC, CC, PIE, AYE, ECP, ERP, JB, SCV, KFC, CHIJ etc..

Can understand the meaning behind their Singlish

  • Go where
  • Long time no see
  • Die ah
  • Blur Blur
  • Aiyah
  • Ya la
  • Then how
  • Crazy eh

So in a way, Blessed are the ones living out of their native place……..!!!

Oct 13, 2006

Lantern Festival and Lion Dance

Lantern Festival and Lion Dance

I am gifted to live in a foreign land with different cultures. I enjoy participating in Chinese Lantern Festival, here in Singapore. My kids take the paper lantern and go around the void decks and Multipurpose Hall with their neighbourhood friends. Fireworks, Crackers and Candle-Play are yet another enjoyment.

HDB (Housing Development Board - Government built apartment buildings) blocks are epitome of the racial harmony in Singapore. I like the mixture of noises and aroma from different houses in HDB. The Malay mee goreng aroma, Chinese soup aroma, Indian fried food aroma mixed with all the take-away food which most of them carry home, gives a unique blend of smell to our HDB Kampong.

The Mahjong play noise, football noise being played int the banned areas, screechy common litter bin, non-stop announcements from lifts, footsteps, locking and unlocking of doors, relaxed chats of old uncles and aunties, kiddies play during school holidays, garang guni man – All these make me think that my ever silent HDB is still ever alive.

Chinese pray God with utmost sincerity. They make a lot of offerings. We have been to Chinese temples and had a chance to observe their prayers very closely. Lion Dance performed in temple during festivals is meticulous. Every moment is filled with thrill. The dance is believed to usher good fortune, as well as ward off evil spirits. The lion dance calls for perfect co-ordination, elegance and nerves of steel. Two dancers are usually needed to give life to a "lion" - one to control the movements of the head, eyes and mouth; the other to act as the body. The first dancer that controls the head determines the movements, while the second must work in tandem with him. The quick flickering eyelids, wagging tail and side to side movement make all the kids dumb-fold. The performance on the poles is a note-worthy one.

The Lucky Second Child

The Lucky Second Child

There is a saying that You grow your first child like a King and the second child like a Pig. It is true, most of the time. But ironically, the second child turns out to be the luckier one as time passes. Let us observe how this happens?

At the sight of the newborn first child, parents are overwhelmed with emotions. They want to show their kindness to the baby in every possible way. The first baby gets lots and lots of gifts in the form of a brand new nursery, attractive cot with mobile, toys, books, clothes etc. Every cry of her is paid heed to. Every movement of her gets attraction and appreciation. She becomes the cream of the family. Hardly, does she know that all these are only short-spanned.

The arrival of the second baby in the house receives an experienced welcome, not much tensions and thrills this time. Since the brand new parents have become more experienced parents then, there is nothing to worry for them. Their minds are free of the hundred and one questions that they had last time, regarding child birth. This time they have sort of a relaxed and calm feeling.

If both children are of same sex, then the second one becomes the sole resort of all hand-me-down items. But still, the second children are always very lucky by their birth order, in many ways –

  • They are in experienced hands of parents. So they escape from the ‘Test and Try’ technique underwent by the elder kid.
  • They have the company of the elder kid all way through. Most of the time, elder kid is their caretaker, baby sitter, friend or playmate.
  • They have more clothes passed on items + their own ones.
  • More toys and apt toys.
  • They have comparatively more powerful immune system, since they share things with the other kid, right from birth.
  • They are very smart and out-spoken. They understand the concept of ‘Survival of the Fittest’. So ready to go the extra mile to attract more attention than that given to her sibling.
  • Sibling Fights make her ready to face the outside world with more courage.

Thus the second child turns out to be the Smart Cookie of the Family.

Oct 1, 2006

50 reasons why it's fun to be a parent


I love the noble profession of Parenting. There are many reasons which makes me relish parenting, 50 of my most genuine reasons are ........

50 Reasons why it’s fun to be a Parent

  1. Experiencing the unexplainable bonding between a parent and child.
  2. Enjoying their oatmeal kisses and sometimes too tight Fevicol kisses.
  3. Seeing them laugh while sleeping (although they cry mostly during sleep-time).
  4. Getting a fresh morning hug.
  5. Being very authoritative with someone all the time.
  6. Having someone to take side with u all the time.
  7. Having someone who adore u (at least when they r still young).
  8. Hearing endless school stories.
  9. Seeing them perfectly snug in your lap.
  10. Eating kiddy snacks for the second time.
  11. Playing hide ‘n’ seek by bringing out the real kid in u.
  12. Dancing merrily.
  13. Singing lovely nursery rhymes.
  14. Exploring their poop in diaper.
  15. Choosing from a variety of toys.
  16. Tasting all flavors of baby food.
  17. Enjoying birthday party of their friends.
  18. Getting more concerned about saving money.
  19. Getting more serious about Future.
  20. Perfecting your self to be a role-model.
  21. Trying different healthy recipes.
  22. Sacrificing your pleasures for them.
  23. Getting meaning for your life.
  24. Enjoying horse-back, peek-a-boo and elephant walk.
  25. Arranging trips to zoo, bird-park and beach.
  26. Choosing the best for the best kid on world.
  27. Working enthusiastically even when u r sleep deprived.
  28. Giving advice to new parents.
  29. Giving ample reasons for being late.
  30. Seeing them sleep with utmost peace and beauty.
  31. Seeing them imitate u in all ways.
  32. Beholding world thru child’s eyes.
  33. Finding happiness in small things of God.
  34. Wondering how a sticker can make any kid happy.
  35. Knowing bubble can attract any kids’ attention.
  36. Fascinating at the memory power of every kid.
  37. Relying on them completely for all your thirst of love.
  38. Feeling hungry when they r in hunger.
  39. Understanding the feelings of all children of their age.
  40. Getting a fan who praises u to his/her friends.
  41. Feeling the pain when they r in pain.
  42. Realizing the greatness of family.
  43. Learning to value your own parents truly.
  44. Mind reading your kids.
  45. Surprising them with gifts.
  46. Getting drenched in their ocean full of hugs and kisses.
  47. Going for endless shopping of clothes, nappy, toys, nursery things, books etc.
  48. Waiting patiently in hospitals.
  49. Fulfilling some of your dreams thru them.
  50. Re-living your childhood.