To all Techno Geeks out there, here are stuffs for u ….
Apart from the real world, there is another world – Second Life
. A computer simulated environment in cyberspace. As a virtual world, it resides on thousands of servers and is accessed thru internet.
It has some 5.3 million residents. Unlike online games, it has no winners or losers, levels or killing strategy. Residents can change avatars and explore, interact, befriend, indulge in activities, create and trade virtual property.
Residents can do anything under the cyber sun!!
Some find friends out there, some sell their virtual artwork, some build bungalow to live, some learn in virtual classrooms. It is not geographically bounded so u can create a lot of things…..
You can even earn while having fun out there. In Second Life, goods can be bought and sold with Linden Dollars. Everyday, Lindens worth about US$ 1.5 million change hands.
US$ 1 = L$ 265
Many residents even earn as much as US $ 5000 per month.
Sounds exciting, isn’t it!! Why not give it a try?
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