Nov 30, 2006

Mother's Wisdom

Wisdom is the fruit of experience. Good decision comes from experience but experience comes from bad decision. Every mother is bestowed with Mother’s Wisdom. SHE KNOWS.

  • She has uncomplicated faith that there is something special about her child.
  • She is unfailingly good natured.
  • She doesn’t wait until something goes wrong.
  • She isn’t scolding when she is doing it.
  • Anything anyone else can do, she can do it better for her child.
  • She accepts all nitty-gritty truths.
  • What her child wanted from her, she wanted to give it to her child.
  • She has prescient observation.
  • She never lets anyone forget her child’s accomplishments.

A mother is a large hearted, sweetly eccentric woman, warm in her affection. I am sure, SHE KNOWS.

These are very serious in the tone of their explanation. For a more light hearted explanation, just read ahead........

My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE - "If you're going kill each other, do it outside - I just finished cleaning!"

My mother taught me RELIGION - "You better pray that will come out of the carpet."

My mother taught me LOGIC - "Because I said so, that's why."

My mother taught me LOGIC . . . #2 "If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you're not going to the shops with me."

My mother taught me FORESIGHT - "Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident."

My mother taught me IRONY - "Keep crying and I'll give you something to cry about."

My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS - "Shut your mouth and eat your tea!"

My mother taught me about STAMINA - "You'll sit there 'till all that spinach is finished."

My mother taught me about WEATHER - "It looks as if a tornado swept through your room."

My mother taught me THE CIRCLE OF LIFE - "I brought you into this world, and I can take you out."

My mother taught me about BEHAVIOUR MODIFICATION - "Stop acting like your father!"

My mother taught me about ENVY - "There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do!"

My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION . . . "Just wait until your father gets home."

My mother taught me about RECEIVING . . .. "You are going to get it when we get home!"

My mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE . . . "If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they are going to stick that way."

My mother taught me to THINK AHEAD . . . "If you don't pass your spelling test, you'll never get a good job."

My mother taught me ESP . . . "Put your jumper on; don't you think I know when you're cold?"

My mother taught me HUMOUR . . . "When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running to me."

My mother taught me how to BECOME AN ADULT. . . "If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up."

My mother taught me about SEX . . .. "How do you think you got here?"

My mother taught me about GENETICS . . . "You're just like your father."

My Mother taught me about the WISDOM OF AGE . . . "When you get to be my age, you will understand."

This is a popularly forwarded humour............but well portrays a Mother's Wisdom. SHE KNOWS.

Nov 23, 2006

Resist the Super-mom myth

Resist the Super-mom myth

Are you a modern mummy who is a pro in multi-tasking? Yes. Today’s mummies can mix up a bowl of cake mix with one hand while sticking a plaster on a toddler’s knee with the other, breastfeed a baby and attend phone calls. Mummies juggle juggle juggle various works endlessly. But finally, everything seems to be incomplete or half-done. We strive to be the ideal Super-mom.

Today’s mothers are overwhelmed by the demands of modern life. As Marg Stark writes, “Mums adore their kids but sometimes hate being a Mother”.

A paradox, isn’t it? Why is it so? Because we can’t meet the exhaustive standards required of “a good mother”, according to today’s definition. We are conflicted about the yearnings of our hearts and guilty about having mixed feelings when we love our children.

Mums are really frustrated with all sorts of modern expectations.

We are responsible for how our kids turn out to be. Yet, we are also limited in the discipline we can use. In other words,” Society doesn’t trust me to spank my kid responsibly, but I’m the one society blames if my kid gets out of line.”

Haven’t you felt the same thoughts revolving in your head several times? Any way, Parenting is much harder today than when we were small. We parent by referring to a child care book, rather 10 child care books each contradicting one another. At some point, we turn out to be intensive mothers.

Intensive Mothering
is demanding, child-centered, expert-guided, labor-intensive and expensive. Media keeps bombarding us with messages about must-have products to achieve perfect parenting. We become victims and go on a buying spree. Media try to make the most out of our motherly love. We buy educational toys, CDs and all baby stuffs just becoming a prey to the Commercialization of Parental love. We throw gala-like birthday parties for our kids and teach them to overdo and overspend rather than appreciate simpler and less fabricated delights.

Why not try to put a Full-Stop to all these? Instead, parent the private way. Slay the beast of expectations. Stop believing that experts have methods that will work for you. Relearn to be you. Kids love the real “You”.

So just resist the urge to become Super-mom and be what you are.

“Teach your kids not the little virtues but the great ones.
Teach your kids not thrift but generosity and an indifference to money.
Teach your kids not caution but courage and contempt for danger.
Teach your kids not shrewdness but frankness and a love of truth.
Teach your kids not tact but love for one’s neighbor and self-denial.
Teach your kids not a desire for success but a desire to be and to know.”

“A child’s love is unconditional. There is nothing on this earth that compares with the feeling that you are the balm a little person carries with her through an entire day in the big, scary world that exists apart from you.”

Yes, I am not a Super-mom, So what?

(Reference and quoted from ‘What No One Tells the Mom’ by Marg Stark)

Nov 16, 2006

Addiction to Television

Did you watch the last football World Cup final on television? If you did, you were one of 1.5 billion people who saw the match. That means you were part of a viewing audience of around a quarter of the world’s entire population. That is just one example of how powerful television is and how it can connect so many people around the world. Television is part of our everyday lives these days, but it has been around for less than 80 years.

Television has become a necessity in all our houses. It is a luxury turned into a necessity. Food, Cloth, Shelter- next is TV with the highest priority. It is a necessary evil (just like Marraige, ha, ha,ha! ). It has conquered a very strong place in our LIVING room. ‘Living’ rooms are loosing their real sense. No more do we live there, just watch, watch, watch TV endlessly.

Remote-Control fights and Channel changing are the only sports introduced to every kid in a very tender age. Barney, Hi 5 friends, Dora and Power Rangers though claiming to be educational just mesmerizes the kids. Kids may eventually turn out to be excitement junkies. TV plays the role of a baby-sitter for enormous kids. The exceeding increase in Myopia (that is, short-sightedness), attention deficiency, no physical play and increased lethargy are the adverse effects of TV on kids.

Some adults are TV-aholic (just like some being workaholic). They need TV in background for all their activities. Turning off TV brings in a sense of emptiness. It has become the default white noise in every home. When somebody smokes, people around are affected as a result of passive smoking. Similarly, when adults watch TV, kids are the passive viewer and they are affected a lot.

Have less TV time in family. Have more outdoor fun. Let kids enjoy playing instead of watching somebody else play on TV ……It’s only a false happiness they derive by watching somebody else having fun.

Remind yourself to switch off TV whenever possible. Don’t let the TV monster steal away your precious time and wonderful experiences.

Nov 14, 2006


Tears are very powerful way of expressing one’s feelings. Many a times it is difficult to control our tears, especially in very emotional situations.

Every tear has a meaning or a story behind it…

Tear Reasons

- outpour of pain either bodily or heart-felt

- extreme happiness

- repentance

- a state of bliss

There are numerous languages, gestures and body signs in this world. All these may be difficult to understand. But the meaning of one’s tears could be easily understood by his fellow being.

Why do we cry?

You heed every cry then the world will be a better place to live in. Situations become miserable only when somebody’s cry is paid no attention to.

Wikipedia says that Tears are a liquid produced by the body's process of lacrimation to clean and lubricate the eyes.

But is that all? Tears produced by emotional crying may be a way that the body disposes of toxic substances. It may seem strange to think of crying as beneficial, yet many people say that "a good cry" makes them feel better.

Mummies are very prone to tears….Parenting makes the heart too tender, as a result there is flow of tears every now and then.

Let all our tears are happy tears…..

Nov 8, 2006

Angels as Daughters

I love my kids. Maybe, I love them more because they are girls. Having daughters adds spice to mother’s life. Isn’t it? There are a lot, u can do for them.

You can put simple make-up for them, try new hair-do for them, decorate their hair with flashy clips, do henna art for their tiny hands, can sew fancy designer wear for them and make tiny fur purses, hand bags, hair bands, beaded bracelet and neck lace for them. These are all very interesting, up to me.

Herein, I have discussed some of my time-pass activities. But in a way, they are very informative and teach my kids new skills without even their knowledge. They learn it practically.


I am trying my hands at sewing dress for my little angels. The material hunt is the most thrilling episode. Buying apt cloth, matching or contrast lining, zippers, frilly laces, buttons, matching threads and other add-ons …its really a big process. Of course, buying a ready-made one for a bit higher price is quite easy…but I think, hand-made dresses are really heart-made. Wearing them for special occasions really creates an ever-lasting sentimental memory.

Involving kids:

Unlike buying readymade over the counter frocks, while stitching their dress, kids also have a role to play. They have the option to choose the desired color material or the design of buttons etc. Step by step when they see it getting completed, they love trying it on and on. Finally they have an attachment to the finished product. They would love it however simple or un-fitting it might be. They could perceive the amount of love and hard-work mummy has put in to make it for them.


Scrap-booking is also an excellent hobby for mummies. Of course, nowadays every mummy is ever-ready with camera to capture the wonderful shots of her little bundle of joy, why not organize them by scrap-booking? Earlier, I saw a very useful tool by Google for organizing the photos scattered around different folders and drives in your computer.

It is Google Picasa. It is Free. Try it and I am sure, you’ll thank Google for providing such a wonderful tool free-of-cost.

Google Picasa

After organizing them in computer just choose the best ones, crop it, adjust brightness and contrast to your satisfaction.

Now, you are ready to do scrap-booking. U can do it as a book, chart or can do it digitally also. To begin with, u can see here :

About Scrapbooking

Involving kids:

Kids like to watch us treasuring their photographs. It improves their self-esteem. Believe me; they won’t disturb you, all thru the process. Ask your little helper, to lend a helping hand in gluing pictures, embellishment, stones and stickers. They can help in other decorations and frame work too.


I don’t have an extensive garden. But just a small balcony corner has turned out to be cozy greenery. It is a nice place to take a refreshing look every morning. Little flowers smile at u with lots of confidence. Fast growing creepers are a booster dose for your life. When I see creepers catch whatever support they get, I become more enthusiastic to grab all possible opportunities. The way they turn, twist and climb teaches adoptability to the surrounding environment.

Involving kids:

Just sow some seeds in a small pot. Any available seed at home would be fine…tomato seeds, chilly seed or onion bulb, sprouting potato. Or u can start with money plant, button rose or table rose. Mustard seeds are all time favorite for science projects. Ask your kid to water it and see it grow. Ask them to talk with them too…u can see them say wonderful tales and plants are good listeners.


I cook for my family day in and day out. I try something new every-time just out of curiosity, boredom or lethargy. It turns out surprisingly great. I strongly believe that cooking with love produces remarkable results. Your dish should be a blend of different ingredients soaked, cooked and garnished with love. We eat with our eyes first. So make it colorful. The concept of Rainbow Diet, comes in here. Add colors to your food. Eat colorful items.

Have Fun and Stay Fit with Rainbow Diet

Involving kids:

Kitchen play set attracts every kid. So playing with real utensils and trying simple recipe is a big accomplishment according to the kid. They like to take part in measuring ingredients, mixing, sauté and serving.

Nov 2, 2006

Mc Donald Game

Every kid likes Mc Donald. Then why not, try playing this and explain your kid, whats happening on the back stage of the fast food chain....Play Game