Nov 14, 2006


Tears are very powerful way of expressing one’s feelings. Many a times it is difficult to control our tears, especially in very emotional situations.

Every tear has a meaning or a story behind it…

Tear Reasons

- outpour of pain either bodily or heart-felt

- extreme happiness

- repentance

- a state of bliss

There are numerous languages, gestures and body signs in this world. All these may be difficult to understand. But the meaning of one’s tears could be easily understood by his fellow being.

Why do we cry?

You heed every cry then the world will be a better place to live in. Situations become miserable only when somebody’s cry is paid no attention to.

Wikipedia says that Tears are a liquid produced by the body's process of lacrimation to clean and lubricate the eyes.

But is that all? Tears produced by emotional crying may be a way that the body disposes of toxic substances. It may seem strange to think of crying as beneficial, yet many people say that "a good cry" makes them feel better.

Mummies are very prone to tears….Parenting makes the heart too tender, as a result there is flow of tears every now and then.

Let all our tears are happy tears…..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

to mom with love
I pray that every tear that washes your eye, shall make your minds eye clearer of the divine role you play!! AND I pray that they are all TEARS of JOY!!!